Humble in Business –  Ethical Electrical 

Humble in Business – One of the things we believe in with our company is called being humble.  So we are reminded of this every time we finish a project with our customers. When they pay us we always say these words, thank you for putting food on our family’s table.  Because we know when it comes from and we know where it goes.  See Humbleness isn’t only remembering where we came from in the past, but it’s also remembering who got us there and whether it’s where we are now with the company or whether its the food on our table.  Our customers contribute to all of that.  So from a humble way I just want to say those who have had the pleasure of being able to serve, thank you for putting food on our family’s table.  Because we know where it came from and we know where it goes, we appreciate you being part of that and for those who are considering Ethical electrical, that’s the one thing you’re going to have to hear from us when you finally get around to using our service.  That’s going to be us appreciating you with the humbleness and telling you Thank You for putting food on our family’s table because we  know where it comes from, we know where it goes and we appreciate you being part of that.

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